Not for the squeamish..4 days after the op to repair a hole in the macula in the back of my eye.Still no vision as yet but can take a few weeks apparently.
Nothing more scary than the possibility of loosing your eye sight.I cannot tell you how worrying that is.. people who have had this done will understand.
I want to thank everyone who has sent me good wishes and kind messages.
I am so sorry I've had to rearrange some appointments. I will definitely get to see you all as soon as I possibly can.
Back to the hospital tomorrow Thursday for a check up so should know more regarding getting back to work.
I really need to get this a little better before getting back so please bare with me.My biggest worry is that I loose clients through having this time away.
Hopefully you guys will understand.
Again... Thank you so much for your kindness and patience.
All my love.
Martin xx