Hi everyone.
I hope your all well. I wanted to come on and say thank you to everyone who came to The Uckfield Civic Centre last week.
We had a great night I think. I will be in touch with Lou to organise another evening there later in the year.
I am also organising another evening at the All Saints old chapel Eastbourne soon so I'll post that when I can confirm a date in May hopefully.
The Royal Hippodrome Theatre Eastbourne has now been confirmed and tickets are available at the box office on (01323) 802020. I know the tickets are going well so if you wanted to come along drop them a line as this evening usually sells out quickly.
On another note. Work is extremely busy now which is great so please bare with me and I will contact everyone as soon as I can.
I was hoping to get my book written and published before the hippodrome event so I need to get working on that asap.
I would like to thank everyone for the kind words of support and will look forward to seeing you all at the demonstrations.
Have a great week and I'll catch up soon.
Martin x
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