Just thought I'd pop on quickly.
I just wanted to say how grateful I am for everybody's patience in regard to booking their readings.
I am so humbled that you continue to book up for your private readings as well as email readings although there is quite a long wait to see me.
I work full time day and night to get to everyone so please bare with me.
I have so much going on this year with the release of my 'no holds barred' life story with no pink and fluffy bits book so that will be enlightening for many. 😁
I'm also looking to visit more places with my work home and abroad so drop us a line if you have any ideas😁
We have been inundated with bookings again over the Christmas and New year period so we will get to everyone as soon as we can.
I know many of you need answers or clarifications on important issues now and we do try to get you in as soon as we can so please bare with us.
Thank you again for your kindness and patience in waiting for either your private sittings or email readings.
I'll look forward to seeing you throughout the year either in this country or yours..😊